Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Run for the hills! Evolution is coming!

Cosmos Magazine article

Well, I came across this nice little item from the Cosmos magazine website. It's a bit old, but it still demonstrates the dangers of religion in this world, and why we must be vigilant. It seems that one of the head Christians in Kenya was, and no doubt still is, worried about the "evil" of evolution in his country in the form of the National Museum of Kenya and it's hominid fossil exhibit.

I guess the good bishop isn't so sure of the veraciousness of his religion since he feels compelled to try to lead a fight to have the truth of Evolution suppressed. I guess his god isn't strong enough to overcome a museum exhibit in it's quest to make this world a Christian world. That's one pathetic god if you ask me. Foiled by fossils and nerdy anthropologists.

Maybe if Christianity can rid the world of all the competing religions, and rid the world of the science that is making religion more and more marginal everyday, then the Christian god can finally claim victory. I guess they have no choice but to use coercion, pseudoscience, and fear to win this battle, since Christianity isn't exactly winning willing converts hand over fist.

Maybe if the good bishop and his flock would have spent more time preaching acceptance, love, and tolerance, instead of an us against them mentality, perhaps Kenya wouldn't being going up in flames right now. Of course Christianity will never be able to solve those kinds of problems, nor will any other religion. People will always try to find a scapegoat when the shit hits the fan, and there isn't one goddamn church on this planet, of any religion, that doesn't have a ready supply of people that believe they have the only truth, and a disdain for anyone different then themselves. And they sure as hell have holy books that make violence seem like a duty.

Religion has a good side you may say; it helps many people. But don't be surprised when you use a fucked-up formula like religion to live by, that for every Dr Jekyll, the formula makes a Mr Hyde. And you don't have the right to be defensive or protest your innocence when you create a monster and it goes on a rampage through the countryside.

And that's exactly what this idiotic attack on National Museum of Kenya is. A rampage by the ignorant monsters that religion has helped to create and nurture.

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