This is something that I feel you really should watch if you're at all interested in where we came from, and Darwin's contribution to the subject. It's called The Genius of Charles Darwin. It was presented by Richard Dawkins on British tv. It is not only educational, but entertaining as well.
I respect people's belief that their god is responsible for evolution, even though I see it as essentially making a god unnecessary to the question, but only the most credulous can watch something like this and reject it out of hand.
Here it is as posted on Google Video and YouTube. The first one is episode 1, and the last two are the first part of episodes 2 and 3. The rest of episodes 2 and 3 can be found on YouTube.
Go here to the Richard Dawkins website for more.
Episode one
Episode two, part 1
Episode three, part 1
Plus Dawkins is married to Lalla Ward, who was married to Tom Baker, so he's one Bacon away from Doctor Who credibility... :-)
No kidding? How about that, eh? :o)
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