The Huffington Post: The 15 Biggest Congressional Recipients Of Wall Street Campaign Cash
An open letter to the Democrats that received big campaign contributions from the financial sector.
Jesus Christ! Send the fucking money back, and send it back now! You cannot be working on finance reform while taking money from these people. Why the fuck do you think they are giving it to you? We don't hold you to blame for people contributing to your campaigns and PACs, they're not stupid, they know who's in power. But you damn well better believe that we will hold you to blame if you let this money influence you, and taking money from them is wrong regardless, considering how that money was earned in the first place.
Don't get the idea that because we swept Obama into power, we will overlook avarice and bumbling from the Democratic Party. You don't get a free pass. There is no droit du seigneur here, let the principle of noblesse oblige be your byword. Don't even think that because we don't support the nutty teabaggers, that we are giving you a free pass to do whatever you please. If you don't deal with this correctly, you will absolutely lose the swing voters and sweep the Republicans back into power -- and we will all pay for that. I don't care that Republicans are also taking money from them, you are in power, and you will rightfully shoulder any blame that results from influence from the financial industry. Who the fuck is advising you people anyway?
Do the right thing, send this money back, now. Don't let me wake up one morning to find that Michele (looney tunes) Bachmann in running things in the house and Sarah Palin is -gulp- President Palin. The Democratic Party has the a unique chance to make historic changes and put people in control of their lives, don't fuck it up.
Do the right thing.
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