Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jesus said he loves me...and other reasons for Christians to have sex.

Because I'm bored.

- The roof was leaking, and I needed a dry place to keep my wang.

- If we don't multiply, the terrorists win.

- Because not having sex is socialism!

- Telling people they will burn in hell just makes me hot.

- I can always say I'm sorry later and ask forgiveness. Forgiveness rules!

- Are you kidding? I'm surrounded by horny virgins!

- Well, all of our leaders seem to be getting their groove on, why shouldn't I?

- Because I'm a man, and she will do as I say! It's in the bible!

- The Lord Jesus rode an ass into Jerusalem, so I'm just following his example.

- Because Argentina pussy is just so sweet! Just ask any Governor of South Carolina.

- That damn altar boy was asking for it! Jesus will forgive me for anal rape of a child, and the church will hide me, so you know, it's all good. Wait, what was the question again?

- Who else will bring the gospel to those two-dollar whores?

- Internet porn just wasn't doing it for me anymore.

- A future crazy-ass Republican President will need some Christian warriors for cannon fodder.

- Eating their weight in cheeseburgers wasn't enough to satiate their carnal desire.

- I'm rife with power. Snorting blow off a hooker's ass is the only thing that can bring you down from that high.

- Have you ever worn a satin robe?

- Wine, candles, bread, and virgins. You figure it out.

- Because as a Christian woman, I was put on this earth to be a baby maker -- and nothing else.

- They're obsessed with sex. This isn't calculus.

- Who gives a fuck? At least that's 2 1/2 minutes they won't be preaching at me.

- I'm just doing unto others as I would have them do unto me. Giggity!

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